For the record, that silverhydra guy has actually been rather pleasant to deal with, but if all you saw was his initial reaction, I can see how you think hes pissed. Some ppl have been very positive and open minded to learning while others are too stupid to realize they are retarded, so I ll just let them be. But as you say, they probably stumbled here after looking at kitty cats and as any human would, they get made when anything that is different then what theyve been taught is said, they just freak out. Im starting to see that the majority on here are beginners and really have no clue about strength training, and all I ve been doing is trying to help. I have no idea why some letters come out small and some don t. HI, I d like to thank you for your comments, as they are probably some of the most positive Ive had. If I were you though, I would try to build up some respect here first (by being more respectful, nicer, and especially less patronizing), otherwise the ad will get hit by everyone you've stirred the ire of. I hear they are cheap, and you can post what you want, and the people here appreciate you supporting the site. The Quest bar guy does a good job at that. There's a way to promote your stuff on here without getting downvoted. Also, WTF is up with your big letter/small letter thing? how the H is that even possible? Chill out and be more personable. You need to realize that the major amount of traffic that this part of the site gets is beginners who wondered over here after staring at pictures of cute kitty kats. In addition to that your comment karma sucks almost as much as mine in r/politics. Seems you pissed off all the regulars and a few mods, including silverhydra, and I don't think I've ever really seen him get POed on here and I've been posting here for over a year and a half. I was checking your past comment history and you've had a doosy of a time here. Wow bro, I know this isn't the place for this message, but I never check my messages and I don't do the PMs. See the Related Subreddits section for other popular fitness-related subreddits.

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